Submitted by scott on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 10:59

SLClemens, an avatar in Second Life, has begun a tour of speaking venues on the Second Life grid. He is opening at The Deck, March 3 at 1pm PST, or SLT if you wish, reading from Mark Twain's book Roughing It. Sam Clemens left for Nevada, with his brother Orion, in 1861. This book, Roughing It, is an extraordinary look at America just a few years before the railroads connected the American East to the West. He was about 26 years of age and yet to make his mark on the world (I don't know if the pun was intended or not).

This avatar and this tour of speaking engagements is my attempt to do something creative with Second Life. I've been visiting this virtual realm for about two months now, and I must admit it's been fun. However, I'm broke and I can't be spending too much time just having fun. As Twain did when he went broke, I'm going on a speaking tour. If you have an account in Second Life please drop in a give a listen, if you don't get one. I intend to have weekly readings through the month of March although the schedule is yet to be set.