Submitted by scott on Wed, 10/12/2011 - 03:23

I've heard (or read) that the human mind can be described as a hologram. If I recall correctly, and I haven't done any research on this, a hologram can be cut up into pieces and each piece will contain the entire image, a bit degraded depending on just how small the piece is. Again, I'm thinking of my mothers dementia (and I still haven't gotten to sleep (it's after 3am now)). Imagine the human mind is a four dimensional hologram and this hologram gets shattered. It doesn't fall apart but all the pieces are now free to move about. What kind of image can be seen in such a mind. Experiences get recorded but they are no longer in the same location, so they get lost. Not necessarily forgotten as they may emerge as brief confusing bits. These new experiences (after the initially shattering of the mind/hologram) are not found on all the pieces but only on the piece it was recorded on. I suppose these pieces may break down even further as time goes by. What is now perceived by the person whose mind this is is bound to be very confusing. And frustrating, especially because they are aware that this degradation is occurring.