Submitted by scott on Sun, 10/23/2011 - 13:40

" I throw in the if for the reason that there has never been an intelligent person of the age of sixty who would consent to live his life over again. His or anyone else's. The Family were saved, yes, but they were not comfortable, for they were full of microbes. Full to the eyebrows; fat with them, obese with them, distended like balloons. It was a disagreeable condition, but it could not be helped, because enough microbes had to be saved to supply the future races of men with desolating diseases, and there were but eight persons on board to serve as hotels for them." "Nine-tenths of his disease-inventions were intended for the poor, and they get them. The well-to-do get only what is left over."

Reading Date
October 2011
SL Venue

Twain Chapter Comments