Submitted by scott on Wed, 01/14/2015 - 11:03

On a train, Twain met a man that came from England when he was 20 hoping to earn £200 within 5 years.  Twain then lears the man helped discover copper mines and is "rich enough to buy a city".  Twain also meets a man trying to corner the kangaroo leather crop for American shoes.  In regards to religions in Australia:  About 64 roads to the other world. You see how healthy the religious atmosphere is. Anything can live in it. Agnostics, Atheists, Freethinkers, Infidels, Mormons, Pagans, Indefinites they are all there. And all the big sects of the world can do more than merely live in it: they can spread, flourish, prosper. All except the Spiritualists and the Theosophists. That is the most curious feature of this curious table. What is the matter with the specter? Why do they puff him away? He is a welcome toy everywhere else in the world.

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