Submitted by scott on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 12:25

Mark Twain and a few other of the Pilgrims had decided not to sail to Naples aboard the Quaker City as they knew it would be put in quarantine there. They took the train from Rome. While the quarantine existed they enjoyed teasing those stuck aboard. Along with this amusement they frolicked on the island of Ischia, climbed Mt Vesuvius and visited the opera. In this chapter he is quite critical of the peoples of Naples and of a town he calls Annunciation, at the foot of Mt Vesuvius, although I can find no reference to this town. He is also very critical of the Neapolitan upper crust for the insulting manner in which they treated Erminia Frezzolini, a once highly respected opera singer.

Reading Date
November 8, 2011
SL Venue
Fate Gardens

Twain Chapter Comments

SLC and companions departed Naples in the morning for two days on the island of Ischia.

9 Aug SLC and companions returned from Ischia to Naples in the morning; at midnight SLC and companions departed for Mt. Vesuvius.