Just a note to say what I’ve been up to. My main interest has been the context of Mark Twain’s life, as found in my site “Twain’s Geography” [https://twainsgeography.com/ ]. I’ve also become intrigue by this idea of “Make America Great Again” and just what period of time within which America was “Great”, as found in a much smaller (and much newer) site “Make America Great, Again?” [ https://magawhen.com/]. Because I’m not funded and have been relegated to working in retail for the past twenty years, the latter site is swarming with Ad Sense ads – feel free to click on them but don’t feel obligated to purchase anything. I’ve also started up a Go Fund Me account with a couple of buttons on the Twain site. My attitude and general insubordinate nature have precluded a career in my chosen academic field and the rapid advancements in computer technology outstrip my ability to keep up with it, I no longer consider myself as a “programmer”. Both of my web projects are more like “card catalogs” (for those of you that remember such things) than original writings on my part. Nevertheless, I find the content to be fascinating. I hope there are some of you who find this to be true as well.