HISTORIC THEATRE BURNS. Grand Opera House in New Haven Destroyed, with Loss of $80,000. NEW HAVEN, April 25.---
The Grand Opera House in Crown Street, the oldest playhouse in New Haven, was destroyed by fire early today, and the entire fire-fighting force of the city had a hard time to prevent the blaze from spreading to near-by buildings. Various office buildings were endangered for a time. The loss is $80,000. The fire started in a cafe on the first floor, from an unknown cause. The theatre, originally known as the Music Hall, was erected in 1860, and was rich in historic interest. Stage notables and singers of world fame appeared there. Half a century ago it was the scene of State political conventions, Yale junior promenades, and other university events Mass meetings to encourage enlistment were held during the civil war. After the war a national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic was held in the building, at which were present Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan. Charles Dickens lectured in the house during his American tour. The New York Times, New York, NY 26 Apr 1915 http://www3.gendisasters.com/connecticut/10572/new-haven-ct-grand-opera-house-fire-apr-1915
The (New Haven) Morning Journal and Courier 1884: November 6 TWAIN AND CABLE.
The large and cultivated audience enjoyed the rare treat presented by George W. Cable and Mark Twain in the New Haven Opera House last evening. All the selections were rare and finely rendered. The first selection, "Music of Place Congo," was read by Mr. Cable in an apt style. The second selection, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," by Mark Twain, fully sustained the admirable reputation of the other parts of the programme. "Scenes from Dr. Sevier," by Dr. Cable and "Ghost Story" and "A Trying Situation," by Mark Twain, deserve especial mention. The entertainment was a success in every particular and the public will be repaid at any time for making efforts to hear these two gentlemen who are now appearing together. http://twain.lib.virginia.edu/huckfinn/twntur31.html
Image: http://cslib.cdmhost.com/cdm/ref/collection/p15019coll7/id/45
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