Submitted by scott on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 13:05

Twain is in the town of Wagga-Wagga and tells the story of the Sir Roger Tichborne impostor, a local butcher by the name of Arthur Orton.  In Melbourne Twain tries to identify an impostor of himself, reported dead  while on a lecture tour of Australia.  The resolution of this mystery occurs in chapter 25.

Twain Chapter Comments

"The train did indeed go through Wagga-Wagga, but since that town is in New South Wales, it would have passed through around midnight. Twain apparently kept no notes on this train trip, and therefore he would have been relying on his memory when writing the seven pages of "More Tramps Abroad" about the Tichborne claimant....  This tale of intrigue, though repeated at length in his travel book, is, after all, not used to give a lesson in geography but rather to substantiate the axiom that truth is stranger than fiction,..."  At Home Abroad,pg 58