Violence, Personal Responsibility, and so on...

Submitted by scott on Sat, 12/22/2012 - 12:25

My feeling is that just as with human induced climate change, societal violence has reached a tipping point. I personally doubt that anything can be done to reverse planetary warming. That doesn't mean we should just give up on trying to reach a more rational and efficient, as well as cleaner means of powering our toys. The same with our societal violence. It's the dominant theme in movies, video games and unfortunately in much of our personal interactions.

Educated for a career?

Submitted by scott on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 17:13

I was just an average student in grade school (k-12) and had no real aspiration of going to college. I had some strange ideas about college graduates, PHds in particular. Afterall, what was the use of college unless you went all the way. Professors, and other PHds should all speak multiple languages and should be well versed in mathematics as well as the classics. The idea of a Renaissance Man still existed in my imagination. I was not one of them. 

Schrödinger's cat in a sitcom

Submitted by scott on Thu, 12/06/2012 - 09:21

I watch very little television and when I do it's generally old movies. However, at my retail job during my lunch break a television is generally on with a football game or some ridiculous talk show. On occasion there has been a sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, which I was surprised by. They made a joke involving Schrödinger's cat. This is a subject that I suspect only a small portion of the television viewing public would be at all familiar with. The joke worked too. The punch line was "the cat's alive". The writers adhered to the Copenhagen interpretation.

Silver and Gold. For an infant?

Submitted by scott on Mon, 12/03/2012 - 23:09

Working retail during the Christmas season, I'm barraged by Christmas music. I find one especially puzzling and annoying. There is this line about a shivering infant and the response is "let us bring it silver and gold". Now just what does an infant want with silver and/or gold or frankincense and myrrh for that matter. That kid wants a blanket and probably a tit.